
Diversity Icebreaker

Free webinar about the concept and application for a global audience.


The book “Unleashing the Power of Diversity. How to Open Minds for Good” written by Bjørn Z. Ekelund was published by Routledge in 2019 and is intended as a presentation of the Diversity Icebreaker (DI) concept for the global market. One of the 10 best HR books of 2019 according the reputable Bamboo HR.

The book includes:


  • The DI concept’s background
  • Discussion of diversity issues in relations to individuals, scientific disciplines and cultures
  • DI’s relevance for efficiency, creativity and collective identification
  • And concept’s application in solving wicked problems, interdisciplinary and on global level

In this webinar, Bjørn will shortly cover these topics and specify what is unique about the Diversity Icebreaker in this context. This webinar will be relevant for leaders, HR- professionals and external consultants that want to learn more about the concept and its broad, comprehensive application.


You can find the table of contents and how to order the book here



Bjørn Z. Ekelund



March 19th 2020
03:00 - 04:00 PM CET


How to participate?

To participate in the webinar follow this link: https://zoom.us/j/525009179?pwd=MVR3Wm1zcVg5MEZEaEg3WlRvNXY3dz09


After you click on the link you will be asked to download and install Zoom. It is an easy to use, safe and one of the most popular applications for webinars. Here is a short instructional video explaining how to use Zoom.



Please register for this webinar at seminar@human-factors.no


